Background and justification

Migration and urbanisation have been described as major issues impacting on the world’s economic, political and social landscape. Migration has emerged as a dominant theme in global political discourse and international relations. Similarly, patterns of internal migration and urbanisation have significant implications on origin and destination areas within countries. Thus migration is an area of significant focus in policymaking and administration at all levels of governance. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognizes for the first time the contribution of migration to sustainable development. Migration is a crosscutting issue, relevant to all of the Sustainable Development Goals. Eleven out of seventeen goals contain targets and indicators that are relevant to migration or mobility. The Agenda's core principle to "leave no one behind", including migrants, requires data disaggregation by migratory status, opening up significant migration data needs but also the opportunity to improve migration data. Read more



Migration and urbanisation have been described as major issues on the economic, political and social landscape worldwide. Migration has emerged as a dominant theme in the global political discourse and international relations; and it has become an urgent concern for governance, policy-making and administration at all levels of governance. South Africa has long been both a sending and receiving country, as well as a country of transit for migrants; hence the impacts of migration cannot be ignored. The COVID-19 pandemic has also had a profound impact worldwide. The pandemic reached South Africa later than most of the world, but despite the delay, it has still had a wide-reaching impact on all South Africans. Migration and migrants at large were affected by the global COVID-19 pandemic.Read more